Letter to the editor: Ernst burping Trump’s QAnon Kool-Aid

U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst, left, seen here at a 2016 campaign event with David Young of Van Meter, suggested Monday that healthcare providers are deliberately inflating COVID-19 deaths in order to defraud Medicaid.

To the editor:

My opponent, U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst, is pushing a debunked conspiracy theory, accusing doctors and nurses of inflating the number of COVID-19 cases for profit. In fact, she even said she’s “so skeptical” of the numbers.

Health care professionals have been working tirelessly to keep us all safe during this pandemic. Our health care workers aren’t lying — they’re putting their lives on the line, for us. But Sen. Ernst has the audacity to question their integrity. This is after she opposed more resources for our hospitals when they needed them most.

Iowa currently has the highest rate of positive COVID-19 cases in the country. Instead of spouting dangerous conspiracy theories and questioning frontline health care providers, I called for a statewide mask mandate. Sen. Ernst should join me.

Iowans get through tough times by looking out for one another, and this pandemic is no exception. Unfortunately, our leaders in Washington aren’t doing the same. In the Senate, I will always follow science and facts and make decisions based on both.

I’m appalled and disgusted that Sen. Ernst would push dangerous conspiracy theories. Iowans are doing our part to get through this. We expect our leaders to do the same.

Theresa Greenfield
Des Moines


  1. I shared my thoughts about Ms. Greenfield’s letter, and you printed it. Yet it disappears once she (or someone connected to her) complains. Do you comply with every politician’s wishes about content? Do you confer with politicians to comply with their desires for all your content? I’m really shocked that you would do this for a political candidate.

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