Letter to the editor: Grassley tour more secret than public


To the editor:

Grassley’s “iconic” routine of stopping in all 99 counties has become an urban legend that needs more scrutiny. How many stops have been actually open to the public?

In Sunday’s Des Moines Register (Sept.11, 2022), a letter writer from Clive left the impression that she has attended one or more of Grassley meetings. With the assumption that she attended at least one in Polk County or Dallas County, it would be interesting to know the locations and dates.

In 2020 I attended one of Grassley’s forums in Guthrie County that the County Republican Party had a one-day notification about. A prominent Democrat heard about it and so let me know. There were probably only 20 people there in Stuart.

To my knowledge, Grassley has not attended a public meeting in Dallas County in the last 10 years. Grassley dismissed my concerns, and that was not the only time my concerns with him were dismissed.

Let’s just say that Grassley does not try to connect with all Iowans.

Julie Stewart



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