Letter to the editor: Iowans ‘handpicked’ Axne

Cindy Axne, who grew up on the southside of Des Moines, now lives in West Des Moines with her husband and two children.

To the editor:

If David Young thinks Cindy Axne is Nancy Pelosi’s “handpicked candidate,” perhaps he should revisit the circumstances surrounding his own election to Congress. In 2014 Young finished dead last among the five major Republican candidates for the Third District nomination, which went to convention when none achieved 35 percent of the vote.

There he trailed state Sen. Brad Zaun through the first four ballots, finally getting just over 50 percent when party bosses loyal to Charles Grassley convinced two other candidates to drop out and throw their support to Young.

By contrast, Cindy Axne won her primary in a walk this year, getting 58 percent of the vote over two better known male candidates.

I first met Axne in June 2017, when a friend brought her to my home to meet my wife and me. I was so impressed with her intellect, compassion and knowledge of the issues that I wrote her a check on the spot, becoming one of the first donors to her campaign.

I haven’t looked back since and have been followed by thousands of other individual donors and volunteers who, like me, recognize a strong, independent leader when they see one.

We are the ones who “handpicked” Cindy Axne. And on Nov. 6, tens of thousands of those Iowa hands will mark the ballots that send this extraordinary woman to Congress.

Dennis Smith
Des Moines


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