Letter to the editor: Pick your battles, reader advises


To the editor:

All of this squabble over the Jayettes’ team name reminds me of something my sainted grandfather used to say: “You can be right, but you can be right in the wrong way.”

Taking that wisdom to heart, I’m not going to press this issue. I figure most of you know I’m for the name change, but the biting and clawing needed to do that would be worse than staying with the current name.

Stated simply, the cure would be worse than the malady itself. It’s not worth it.

It doesn’t make any sense trying to save one house from a forest fire on one side of a ridge when we might be able to save 50 more homes from burning on the other side.

Ladies, this is a fight we can’t win anyway. Our energy should be saved for fighting on other fronts.

Let them keep their name. If I’m going to get half the town upset, it’s going to be for something more important than this.

Nick Eakins


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