Letter to the editor: Reader advises Minburn City Council


To the editor:

It is with great dismay I have read of the impending actions concerning the 1914 in Minburn. I do not pretend to know both sides of the story. Doubtless there are many details related to this I have no knowledge of.

Regardless, I’m not offering any opinion about who’s right or wrong here. Whoever may be in the right has no real bearing to it all. It’s all about perception.

What cannot be disputed is the popularity of the 1914 with the biking community. The owner has spared no effort in catering to that particular demographic. Barring something like a major revelation of criminal behavior or shady dealings by the proprietor, the biking community will not take kindly to all this.

Whether the town council is justified about their decision or not doesn’t really matter in the long run. If the eviction goes through, the city will be considered the bad guys. With all the loyalty Mr. Mahler has earned with the bike people, any new proprietor will have a very difficult time earning the same if they can even acquire any customer loyalty at all.

The odds of a new business succeeding will be daunting at best.

As it stands now, the 1914 is a known factor. It already employs several locals. It pays its existing lease. It buys local produce. It pays a water bill to the city, I’m sure. It not only serves the passing bikers, it’s also a destination for families not only in the immediate vicinity but also the Metro. Its food is top notch as bar food goes. People aren’t afraid to bring their children there during the earlier hours. I know as I have seen this.

Anyway, I have to end this by suggesting to the Minburn City Council that the old adage is quite true: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Nick L. Eakins


  1. I agree, Mr. Eakins. My question is do you think the current owners have any legal recourse here that they could pursue?

    • I have no idea. Legality has little to do with it. We’re talking about an integral part of the bike trail being at risk. We know the current operation is functioning quite well despite COVID-19 and other matters beyond anyone’s control. We know there is a devoted customer base already established. If and when the current proprietor goes, that customer base is very likely going with him. A bad decision by the council may cost the town a thriving business and leave it with an empty shell. I’m thinking the council has the better poker hand, but it stands to lose the game if it plays it. What the city council can do and should do seem to be two different things.


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