Letter to the editor: Reader backs ‘farmer, attorney, leader’ Varley

Warren Varley of Stuart spoke briefly Feb. 5 to Democratic caucus goers in Perry about his campaign for the Iowa House District 20 seat.

To the editor:

As a voter in Iowa House District 20 and a resident of Perry, I have been impressed with the amount of time Warren Varley spends in our town, even though it is in the farther region of the district. He is certainly committed to hearing the concerns of his constituents.

Varley’s belief in protecting funding for our public education systems — local and at the university level — support for collective bargaining and commitment to rural development align with my beliefs. He appreciates the value of the military and veterans benefits. His son is currently serving overseas.

I watched with interest the candidate forum sponsored by the Warren County Cultural Center in Greenfield, which was posted online. It was apparent he had thorough knowledge of the issues, speaking directly to the questions and going beyond the talking points of his party.

While I can appreciate his opponent’s talents as an artist and certainly commend anyone who can make a living with their artistic skills, I want a representative who is well versed on the issues, committed to work in a bipartisan, respectful manner and works hard to communicate with the people in his district.

I encourage you to support Warren Varley for Iowa House District 20 — a man of great integrity and knowledge in his work as a farmer, attorney and community leader.

Monica Peitz


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