Letter to the editor: Reader chides Axne ‘inaction’ on USMCA deal

U.S. Rep. Cindy Axne represents Perry in the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington, D.C.

To the editor:

Living in rural Iowa in the fall time, we find it hard not to notice the farmers out in the fields, harvesting the crops that feed and fuel the world.

Our producers have an opportunity to sell the fruits of their labor in Mexican and Canadian markets with the new USMCA Trade Deal, but the U.S. House of Representatives isn’t moving fast to put it into effect.

That’s why it’s so saddening to see my current U.S. Representative, Cindy Axne, not endorsing the USMCA trade deal. I heard her say she has Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s ear but if Ms. Axne really has any influence, why isn’t she advocating a vote on USMCA?

A group of 14 House Democrats signed a letter urging Speaker Pelosi to bring the USMCA up for a vote, but Representative Axne’s name was nowhere to be found.

Mexico and Canada have already passed the USMCA. It’s time for Congress to do its job and pass it as well for the sake of our farmers and rural communities.

This inaction by Cindy Axne does not go unnoticed by me and by many other Iowans.

David R. Van Ahn


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