Letter to the editor: Reader praises Greene County mask order


To the editor:

Re: Greene County Supervisors impose countywide mask rule

This is good.

If Kim Reynolds and the state continue to fail Iowans in the fight against COVID-19, I think it’s good to see the counties stepping up to do what Reynolds should’ve done long ago.

No, none of us like any of this, but we are long past the point of taking action. Something is better than what Reynolds has done, which is nothing.

Enforcement of a mask mandate will be difficult, but hard, steadfast enforcement may be needed.

I hope the rest of Iowa’s counties follow this.

Jeff Taylor


  1. Greg, I have to disagree. Reynolds has done nothing except tout her “I trust Iowans will do the right thing” campaign. There is MULTIPLE video footage of her out on the campaign trail at rallies in both large and smaller groups of people and not wearing a mask. Even to go as far as laughing about/at Theresa Greenfield having to end some of her campaign appearances due to Covid-19. She has misspent millions of federal dollars that were meant to fight this pandemic. She has failed to listen to the science and medical professionals. I could go on. So please tell me what exactly Reynolds has proposed that is remotely close to what more and more counties are taking the initiative of doing?

    • Unless I misunderstood her, the governor said she is leaving the decisions up to individual county health officials, which is pretty much what all states are doing except for that moron Cuomo in New York.


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