Letter to the editor: Reader thankful for help with medical needs


To the editor:

I just need to say how amazing and proud I am to be a part of this community.

We lost power last Monday around 10:30 a.m., when that terrible storm came through. I have a daughter with a rare medical condition.

My oldest has idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH), which is a progressive terminal lung disease. Abby takes expensive medications in hopes of slowing the progression of her disease and sustaining her life.

Some of Abby medications need to be refrigerated but when we lost power, we had no way to refrigerate her medications. The people of Perry let us refrigerate her medications so that we didn’t lose them.

Abby has oxygen that she uses, and when the storm hit we lost a way to use her oxygen. We had people reach out to us to let us charge her equipment. We had a nice gentleman volunteer to loan us his generator.

To the people of Perry, thank you for letting us wash clothes at your house, use your fridge for my daughter’s medications and charge equipment. To my neighbors, thank you for being there when we needed help.

Amanda Howard


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