Letter to the editor: Republican hoaxers dominate legislature

Rep. Beth Wessel-Kroeschell (D-Ames), who is wearing blue jeans on the floor of the House this week in a breach of decorum, said that her jeans are “not hurting anybody," but “not wearing a mask can kill people.”

To the editor:

Yesterday Speaker of the Iowa House of Representatives Pat Grassley (R-New Hartford) refused to allow a female member of the House speak on the floor because she was wearing blue jeans.

In doing so, Grassley was depriving her constituents of a voice in the House.

Let’s recall that Grassley is the same Republican leader who demurred when asked why he wouldn’t require face masks in the House. He said such a rule would be “unenforceable.”

Why did Rep. Grassley do this? Was he being:

a) hypocritical?
b) sexist?
c) upset by this particular representative and getting back at her?
d) not too bright?
e) all of the above?

I’ll let you decide the answer since they all sound pretty accurate to me.

Judy Kading


  1. I mistakenly believed I was going to read something with some substance but obviously there was none. Can we now just send short taunts about Biden’s senility? How about Bernie’s mittens? Is there really an issue with “White Privilege” like the San Fransico Chronicle believes? Why do you print this stuff? That letter was as foolish as this one of mine!

  2. The original letter was pointing out the hypocrisy about enforceability of rules. Obviously, the rules are enforceable and would be for a mask. Either Grassley does not have the backbone to do what is best for everyone’s health, or he is ignorant of the value in wearing a mask. Either is bad for Iowa.


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