Letter to the editor: Tearful reader thankful for storm helpers


To the editor:

My wife and I are both disabled, and now she is bedfast. So when people offer help or there is a way we can get help, we take it, and it is much appreciated.

Recently, we had that monster storm roll through Perry that left a lot of damage in its wake. Much of that damage was to trees, and fortunately no one was hurt or killed in the massive storm.

We sustained tree damage at our home. The men who mow for me cleaned it up one tree, and I so much appreciate that. But another tree was large. The part that was down was about three feet in diameter, and it was too large for the men who did the first tree.

So I put out a call on a Facebook page seeking help in the Perry area, and I received several responses. Then on Saturday afternoon, five people came to our house and said they were here to help us clean up the tree damage. What a great thing!

I thought at first they would say the tree is too large for us, and you will need to spend the money to get a tree service here to take it out. Before I knew it, I heard chain saws running and work being done. I asked a woman how much this was going to cost me, and she said, “Nothing. We just want to help.”

I said, “You know how to make an old man cry.”

They worked and helped out without question or complaint.

I want to thank those five people. I can’t remember their names, but they deserve great blessings from God for their help of those who need it. The parts still need hauled away, but that will come also with time.

One other man came with his son to help out as well. I can not remember his name either, but he and his son worked tirelessly as well.

We still have a few small trees that need cleaned up, but that will come in time. Altogether, 10 people have helped us and, trust me, it is much appreciated.

I am again in tears while writing this. These 10 people but especially the six who demonstrated Iowa Nice — no, Perry Nice! What a great place Perry is to live in and to be a part of. Thanks!

Patrick Dittert


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