Letter to the editor: What to do with Sabrina Memorial Fund?

A memorial bench and a memorial tree have been placed in Wiese Park in honor of Sabrina.

To the editor:

Hi. My name is Amanda Howard, and I am the one who organized the fundraiser for Sabrina to give her a proper burial. We raised about $1,000. At the time of the fundraiser, I didn’t realize the state would take such a long time.

The Iowa Department of Human Services has purchased an urn for Sabrina, so the Memorial Fund doesn’t need to go toward that, but I still feel it needs to go toward something to honor her.

Karena Busch and her family want to use the money to buy a flat headstone with Sabrina’s photo in the middle and also buy a bouquet of flowers with a cardinal inside of them and a solar angel or Jesus with arms extended and placed in front of the headstone. It will light up at night so it will be like the angel or Jesus is looking down at her.

I thought we could buy an angel and put it in Weiss Park by Sabrina’s tree and bench. I have also thought about donating the money to Blank Children’s Hospital, and it would become part of the Child Abuse Foundation in Sabrina’s loving memory. I feel since she passed because of child abuse, donating to that fund would be good.

I am open to any other ideas that would honor Sabrina. I feel since the public helped raise the money for her, the public should also have a say in what the money goes toward.

Amanda Howard

Editor’s note: Do you have an idea about what to do with the Sabrina Memorial Fund? Please send your suggestion to: theperrynews@gmail.com.

Sabrina’s bench in Wiese Park bears a memorial plaque.


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