Letter to the editor: Why are Perry’s streets so slick? reader asks


To the editor:

I have a question for the city of Perry. Why are the residents of Perry required to keep their sidewalks clear of ice and snow, but Perry does not treat and/or clear our city streets of ice?

With the last couple of ice events, Perry has not touched the majority of the city streets and alleys. There was not sufficient salt and/or sand put down in intersections to allow for proper breaking of vehicles.

Aren’t the residential streets just as important as the downtown streets? Should they not be treated properly, too?

I have traveled through other small towns within our region over the same period time, and their streets are much safer to travel than Perry’s streets.

Spencer Hochstetler


  1. I’d have to agree with this. My 3-year-old fell twice in a day trying to get to where we needed to go. It’s not safe, and I feel for the elderly, who probably are scared to even go out in this. The main streets are fine, but driving on the side streets is just plain dangerous.

  2. Perry, Iowa. Slippery feet. “Pueblo chico, infierno grande,” I hate you. But it’s just a natural, “mutual” feeling.


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