Perry Lions upload hundreds of pounds of litter as faithful adopters

Perry Lions Club roadside litter removers included, from left, Lou Hoger, Harley McGuire, Phil Stone, Dave Wright, John Andorf, Jim George, Jack Shelker and Roger Neimeyer. Present for the labor but not the picture were Dwayne Hochhalter and John Blattner. Photo by PerryLions Club Secretary Ray Harden

Members of the Perry Lions Club last week made their semi-annual trek along Iowa Highway 141 as members of the Dallas County Adopt-a-Highway program.

The local Lions collected several hundred pounds of refuse on their adopted stretch of Iowa Highway 141 between Dawson and F Avenue. The club has been doing twice-yearly roadside litter cleanups for more than 20 years, one of many service projects for the community.

Perry Lions Jim George, left, and Lions Club President Dave Wright cleaned a steep ditch as part of the Dallas County Adopt-a-Highway program.
Perry Lions Jim George, left, and Lions Club President Dave Wright cleaned a steep ditch as part of the Dallas County Adopt-a-Highway program. Photo by Perry Lions Club Secretary Ray Harden
Perry Lion Jack Shelker works a wide swath of Iowa Highway 141 right of way.
Perry Lion Jack Shelker works a wide swath of Iowa Highway 141 right of way. Photo by Perry Lions Club Secretary Ray Harden


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