Mayor’s 65th birthday prompts reflections on city government


Celebrating a few days early the 65th anniversary of the birth of Jay Pattee were SORE members, clockwise from left, Lou Hoger, Gary Becker, Andrew Bambrick, Ken Finer, Ray Harden, Roger Emmert, birthday boy Jay Pattee, Charlie Thompson, Bob Rounds and Dan Spellman.

Perry Mayor Jay Pattee marked the milestone of his 65th year a little early Wednesday by treating the men of the Society of Retired Experts (SORE) coffee group to coffee and rolls at the Perry Perk coffeehouse. Pattee’s birthday was Friday, Dec. 1.

The SORE men congratulated the mayor on his 15 years of public service to the residents of Perry, including eight years as mayor, before delivering a rousing renditions of the birthday song.

“I hope I represented the city well when I spoke at regional meetings,” Pattee said. His friends recalled seeing him appear in the New York Times in 2010 and on the NBC Nightly News during a round of the Iowa caucuses.

Pattee said he attributes his longevity to”living a good clean life” and sticking with his favored stout.


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