Nu Alpha Gamma Chapter tours Minburn sites Saturday

Nu Alpha Gamma Chapter members visiting the Dallas County Freedom Rock Saturday included, from left, Sue Leslie, Sharon Ulrich, Deb Irving, Cathy Clark, Marlene Johnson, Wilson family author Joy Neal Kidney, Carol Hill, Barb Burket, Myrna Griffith and Marilyn Bode. Photo courtesy Nu Alpha Gamma Chapter

The members of Nu Alpha Gamma Chapter heeded the call to “Meet Me In Minburn” Saturday, and there they learned about the history of Minburn from Nu Alpha Gamma Chapter First Vice President Deb Irving, who grew up in the area.

Chapter members also met Joy Neal Kidney of West Des Moines, who talked about the background of the Wilson family highlighted in her book, “Leora’s Letters,” and she shared stories of the seven children growing up in Dexter in the 1930s.

“About 25 years ago, I’d prayed that the loss of Dale, Danny and Junior Wilson would not be forgotten,” Kidney told the Nu Alpha Gamma members. “The two older brothers married during the war, but only Delbert Wilson had children. Most of us cousins are the children of the two sisters, Doris and Darlene. Doris was born after the two oldest, the Navy brothers, and Darlene was Dale’s twin. Dale has never been found. Maybe the Freedom Rock was the answer to that prayer.”

Kidney also spoke of her personal journey in writing, and she previewed her newest book, “Leora’s Dexter Stories: The Scarcity Years of the Great Depression,” which will debut soon.

Kidney was also involved in creating the storyboard that accompanies the Dallas County Freedom Rock, which details the people featured on the Freedom Rock located in Minburn and painted by Ray ”Bubba” Sorensen. Following the meeting, members journeyed to view the rock.

Nu Alpha Gamma is a chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma International, a society of women educators. The chapter is made up of women educators who live or work in Dallas County, and strives to promote the professional and personal growth of women educators as well as to promote excellence in education.

Sue Leslie is the secretary of the Nu Alpha Gamma Chapter.


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