Old dog pulls new trick as Mister Brown slips away unawares

Mister Brown, right, and his faithful friend Lynn Daniels were reunited shortly before noon Monday after the convalescent canine escaped the confines of the Raccoon River Pet Rescue.

An anxious hour passed Monday morning when authorities at the Raccoon River Pet Rescue (RRPR) discovered that Mister Brown, the footloose four-legger formerly known as Brown Dog, had escaped the comfortable confines of the shelter and was once again running at large and obeying the irresistible call of the wild.

Barely three weeks past major hind-leg surgery, Mister Brown, whose notoriety earned him the run of the rescue, capitalized on a momentary lapse in attention on the part of his minders and made his great escape about 10:30 a.m., sources told ThePerryNews.com.

The RRPR promptly issued a Brown Alert for the wily wanderer, who was last seen sporting a green plaid collar with a golden buckle. It was feared the indominable Sheba Inu was at risk, given his weakened and vulnerable condition.

But Mister Brown showed as little concern for doctor’s orders as an ivermectin-dosing anti-vaxxer. He did not survive 13 years on the pitiless streets of Perry for nothing. He knew what he was about and after hazarding a northbound crossing of the bypass, he made his way to familiar ground in the 1400 block of Dewey Avenue, the home of Lynn and Dixie Daniels, where he was taken into custody without incident shortly before noon.

Once Mister Brown’s leg has healed and he has completed his heart work treatment, he will leave the RRPR and live in comfort and security with the Danielses. His making a B-line to their house Monday suggests he is eager to go to his forever home.

Readers wishing to contribute toward Mister Brown’s ongoing medical treatment should visit the Raccoon River Pet Rescue Facebook page and click on “Donate” or the Raccoon River Pet Rescue website and click on “Donate.”



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