Osteoporosis, bone strength affect males, too


Start talking about osteoporosis, and most men tune out. Though it is less common in males than females, men can suffer fractures from fragile bones, and when this does occur, men have a higher rate of disability from the break.

In fact, men are more likely to die within a year after a hip fracture than are women.

Everyone’s bone density decreases with age. Our peak bone health is from adolescence through our 20s. After that, our bone strength declines, so it is important to do weight-bearing exercise throughout adulthood in order to preserve as much bone density as possible.

Weight-bearing activities aren’t just bench presses and overhead lifts, of course. Walking is actually considered a weight-bearing activity because your skeleton supports the weight of your body as you move. Other good workouts are racquet sports and golf — no golf cart! Walk the course.

Men can avoid breaking bones with some common-sense tips:

  • Pay attention to what you’re doing, especially while walking or driving.
  • Have your vision checked to reduce your chances of falling over something.
  • Use good body mechanics in daily work to protect against a fracture.
  • Modify exercises to avoid over flexing or twisting joints.

Limiting alcohol intake not only decreases the risk of accidents leading to broken bones, but low alcohol use is also associated with stronger bones.  Men need two or three foods daily that are rich in calcium and vitamin D.  If you regularly take any medications, check with your doctor or pharmacist on whether the medication inhibits bone strength.

Iowa State Extension has a free series called Buy. Eat. Live Healthy. It provides information on better nutrition.  One session is about building strong bones.  Visit the Extension website for more information, or call Dallas County Extension at 515-993-4281.

Ann Cochran in the health navigation coordinator in the Dallas County Public Heath Department.


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