PHS grad fights cancer, eviction with help from friends

PHS friends, from left, Stephanie McChesney, Jessie Cregeen Conrad and Melinda Martin Enderton shared happy times as Class of 2002 graduates. Now they are sharing scary times as McChesney battles medical troubles and financial fears.

Jessie Conrad of Perry has started a gofundme page for her friend, Steph McChesney, who is battling stage 1 ovarian cancer.

Fallout from McChesney’s illness has led to her family’s facing eviction from the house they rent. Conrad started the gofundme page with a fundraising goal is $1,500, and donors have contributed $900 is the first seven days.

The gofundme page tells Steph’s story in Jessie’s words:

“Okay, family and friends, I’ve never set one of these up before, but this is for a needed cause. My name is Jessie Conrad (Cregeen) and one of my best friends, Stephanie McChesney (Perry High Class ’02), has been dealt some terrible cards lately.

“This woman and I have been through many things in life together, and she sure deserves the best I can get her now. Just a little under two months ago, Steph had to have surgery on her ovary to remove a tumor.

“It then came back that the tumor was cancerous. She has since had to have a full hysterectomy to remove all other cancer as well as surgery to remove some of the fatty tissue around her organs.

“She was diagnosed with stage 1 ovarian cancer. It was in her left ovary and her abdominal fluid and thankfully was caught early, but today (July 27) she begins her first round of chemo.

“There has been less income coming into their home due to her surgeries, recovery time and cancer appointments. Because of this series of unfortunate events, Steph, her fiance, Josh Carmichael, and their 7-year-old daughter, Amber, have been told they would be evicted from the home they rent due to falling behind on payments.

“If they have to move out, the family will be unable to move together due to work and family locations. I am asking that we, as a community, come together to help this family. They are great people and sure don’t deserve such things.

“This family needs to stay in their home, and Steph needs to be able to have a healthy, strong environment to fight this cancer without having to stress more.

“When Steph fights this cancer and heals all up, this family will be strong and back on their feet but in the mean time, I’d like to see if anyone is able to give something to assist them. Gas for medical trips, medicines and living expenses definitely add up.

“Thank you for your time and, hopefully, your donation. Any and all amounts help.


  1. Thank you for all your prayers and support through this difficult time. A special “Thank You” to Jessie Conrad and Jim Caufield for getting Stephanie’s story out. Bless each and everyone. Holly Helveston

  2. Thank you to all who have helped my niece and family, and to all my friends in Perry and surrounding areas: please help if you can. God bless you all.


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