Progressive Foundry raises new connector building

Construction is progressing on the Progressive Foundry's 14,000-square-foot addition in the 1500 block of Second Street.

As good as its name, the Progressive Foundry is making progress on its multi-phase $1.8 million factory expansion plan, beginning with a 14,000-square-foot building along Rawson Street that will cross Second Street and connect the existing plant with the former Wiese building four.

The Perry City Council approved in September 2019 the vacation of Second Street between Bateman and Rawson streets and sold the vacated city ground to the foundry in October 2019.

The foundry’s plans also call for demolishing their First Avenue offices and employee facilities and building larger offices, with additional space for a growing staff, a larger lunch room, a training center and locker rooms/showers for both men and women.

In the longer term, the company foresees building another 22,000-square-foot structure where the Quonset huts now stand at Third and Bateman streets.


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