Research shows the wealthier are healthier


There is much talk at present about the economic impact of the pandemic, from global to national to personal. With businesses reopening and lots of jobs available locally, it’s time for everyone to take a serious look at their finances and saving behaviors.

America Saves is an annual celebration as well as a call to action for everyday Americans to commit to saving successfully. The America Saves pledge is a framework to help anyone to set a goal with specific steps to achieve better financial stability.

The America Saves website is a great starting point. You’ll notice themes such as saving for the unexpected, to retire, by reducing debt and saving as a family.

If you’re serious about improving your financial independence, have a few conversations with the financial literacy counselor at New Opportunities. This is a free service for residents of Dallas County.

Financial “literacy” means becoming familiar enough with the language of economics that you can make wise choices about how you use your money. To contact the New Opportunities financial literacy counselor, call 515-465-5185 extension 4011.

The Health Navigators at Dallas County Health can provide other resources for your path to financial stability. Call 515-993-3750 or email for free assistance.

Why is saving money important as a public health topic? Because persons living in poverty or in near-poverty are more likely to suffer from chronic diseases and have shorter life spans.

Learning to save money successfully is a step toward improving your health and the health of your family. More information on the link between finances and health can be found in the National Library of Medicine and the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Ann Cochran is the health navigation coordinator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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