Rippey Lions Club hosts annual father-son banquet

Rick Fazel provided the after-lunch entertainment at the annual Rippey Lions Club Father-Son Banquet Saturday at the Rippey United Methodist Church.

The Rippey Lions Club honored fathers and sons April 2 at their annual noontime banquet at the Rippey United Methodist Church.

Dick Bardole, president of the Rippey Lions, welcomed the group and led in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by an invocation by Roy Bardole.

The pulled pork sandwiches, corn, and cheesy potatoes were prepared by chefs Kevin and Mary Hick, with volunteers from the church and two guests, Cheri Kersey and her friend Margo, who lent wonderful assistance in cutting the brownies and helping to clean up.

After the fathers and sons ate their fill, they adjourned to the sanctuary for the program, which began with Pastor Paul Burrow welcoming the fathers and offering a tribute to the joyful journey of having a son in his life.

Burrow’s son, Tim, responded on behalf of the sons, with kind words about fathers, his own in particular.

Lions Club member Myron Rinker was in charge of the recognitions.

LaVere Derry, 85, had the honor of being the oldest father in attendance, followed by Eugene Muir, who is a mere 83. The youngest son was Corbyn Bradley, who has aged 8 months.

Steve Muir, from Wayne, Neb., traveled the farthest to attend the filial festivities.

Eugene Muir was proud to have four generations attending, including his sons, Steve and Curt Muir, grandsons, C. J. Muir, Travis Kersey and Nick Muir, and great-grandson, Merrick Muir.

Phil Roberts was equally proud to have four generations represented, including his son, Chris, grand-son-in-law, Cory Bradley, and great-grandsons, Camden and Corbyn Bradley and Dominik Roberts.

Rather than the traditional carnation, the Rippey Lions Club gave each man and boy a carpenter’s pencil, donated by Stokley Lumber in Perry and Tri-County Lumber in Jefferson.

Rick Fazel provided entertainment, accompanying himself on the guitar, as he sang many older, familiar tunes. One Lions Club member remarked as he was leaving, “I enjoyed the program so much, but the songs dated me!”

In other words, they triggered good memories of long ago.

Family pictures were taken and some lingered, visiting with each other for a couple more hours.


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