Ruth Archer wins DAISY award for extraordinary nursing

Ruth Archer, RN, right, receives a certificate as winner of the 2017 DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing. Presenting the award is Dallas County Hospital Chief Clinical Officer Tonya Summerson.

The Dallas County Hospital in Perry has announced that the winner of the sixth annual DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing is Ruth Archer, RN, who received the honor during a Nurses’ Week Recognition event.

The award is part of the national DAISY Foundation’s program to recognize the superhuman efforts nurses perform every day.

The not-for-profit DAISY Foundation is based in Glen Ellen, Calif., and was established by family members in memory of J. Patrick Barnes, who died at the age of 33 in late 1999 from complications of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, a little known but not uncommon autoimmune disease.

The care Barnes and his family received from nurses while he was ill inspired this unique means of thanking nurses for making a profound difference in the lives of their patients and their families. The acronym DAISY stands for “diseases attacking the immune system.”

As a member of the Dallas County Hospital team for the last 20 years, Archer was nominated for her compassion, commitment and respect for every patient, family member and peer.

“Ruth shows compassion by smiling and using a soothing voice to comfort her patients,” said Tonya Summerson, chief clinical officer at the DCH. “Ruth will sit next to a patient, whether they are young or old, and explain to the patient and family openly and honestly about what to expect while they are at the hospital.”

The parents of a pediatric patient, who nominated Archer for the DAISY award, said they appreciated how she kept them informed during their ER visit. They felt very much at ease after Archer explained everything.

Another example of compassion was shared by one of Archer’s co-workers, who observed her taking the time to sit with a confused patient who was anxious and unwilling to stay in bed. According to the co-worker, Archer sat with the patient, massaged the patient’s hand and sang to the patient, who was finally able to relax and rest for a while.

“I am so proud of Ruth and the compassion and respect she displays each day here at Dallas County Hospital,” Summerson said. “From her commitment to being a patient advocate to the relationships she has developed with everyone she works with, Ruth is truly an inspiration to nurses everywhere.”

Physicians, employees, patients and families were all able to nominate a nurse for the DAISY Award. Archer was also honored during a Mercy Health Network Luncheon.


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