Safe Sitter Inc. awards Dallas County Hospital top honors


INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — Safe Sitter Inc., the only national nonprofit training program exclusively devoted to preparing young teens in grades 6 to 8 to be safe when home alone or when sibling sitting or babysitting, has named the Dallas County Hospital a Gold Provider, the top recognition a Safe Sitter registered provider can receive.

The honor is in recognition of the number of students taught at Dallas County Hospital in 2017.

Safe Sitter Inc.’s mission is to provide life skills, safety skills and child-care training to all youth in order to build safer communities. Safe Sitter depends on community partners like Dallas County Hospital to help fulfill this mission.

Safe Sitter students learn how to prevent injuries to themselves and others, handle common household emergencies and safely care for younger children. Each course also includes first aid and choking rescue.

Almost 200 graduates across the country have used the skills they learned in their Safe Sitter class to save someone in an emergency. Dallas County Hospital’s commitment to teaching Safe Sitter makes those hero stories possible.

Dallas County Hospital partners with the Waukee and Urbandale school districts to offer this course through their community education programs. Last year, 140 students were trained in the Safe Sitter program.

For more information or to sign up a student for the 2018 program, please visit the Waukee Community School District website  or the Urbandale Community School District.

Macinzie McFarland is the community relations and marketing manager at the Dallas County Hospital.


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