Sixty-block asphalt resurfacing project to start this week in Perry

Perry residents are seeing smoother streets to drive on as the 60-block hot mix asphalt (HMA) resurfacing project proceeds. Image courtesy city of Perry

Perry residents will soon have smoother streets to drive on as preliminary work starts this week on the 60-block hot mix asphalt (HMA) resurfacing project, slated for completion this summer.

The Perry City Council awarded the contract Feb. 18 to OMG Midwest-Des Moines Asphalt and Paving with a bid of $1,015,347.60 for the asphalt overlay project.

The contracts will begin with some patching and curb repairs before milling the streets and following with full-depth asphalt resurfacing.

OMG Midwest also landed the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) contract for converting First Avenue to a three-lane roadway. The repaving and restriping work is expected to be completed this summer.

The First Avenue road-diet project will be wholly financed by state funds and will cost Perry taxpayers zero dollars.

Financing for the 60-block HMA project will come from two sources: local option sales tax (LOST) revenues will cover about $860,000 of the cost. The remaining $155,000 will be paid by road use tax funds. Perry’s LOST was passed by voters in 2010 and renewed in 2017.

Perry residents last enjoyed a similar 45-block overlay project in the summer 2016 at a cost of $810,000.


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