Solar carport topped outside Perry Public Library

The horizontal panels forming the roof of the Perry Public Library solar carport were installed Thursday afternoon around dusk.

The horizontal panels forming the roof of the Perry Public Library solar carport were installed Thursday afternoon around dusk.

The horizontal panels forming the roof of the Perry Public Library solar carport were installed Thursday afternoon around dusk.

Similar construction is underway in Caboose Park and north of the McCreary Community Building. Roof-mounted solar panels are also being placed on the MCB and Perry Public Safety Building at 908 Willis Ave.

The city aims to save almost $5 million on its electricity bills and reduce its carbon footprint to zero under its agreement with Norwalk-based Red Lion Renewables to install the arrays of solar panels and carport canopies on or around 10 city buildings:

City Hall, 1102 Willis Ave.
Police/Fire Department, 908 Willis Ave.
Library, 1101 Willis Ave.
Carnegie Library, 1123 Willis Ave.
Towncraft, 1124 Willis Ave.
Recycle Building, 14323 Ivy Place
Caboose Park, First and Willis Avenue
Public Works North Shop, W. Fourth Street
Public Works Shop Shop, W. Fourth Street
McCreary Community Building, 1800 Pattee St.


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