St. Pat’s kids make laps in Iowa Healthiest State Walk


October is Iowa Healthiest State Month, with each week dedicated to each of the individual numbers in 5-2-1-0. Oct. 5-9 focuses on engaging in one hour of physical activity each day. Wednesday, Oct. 7 also marked the 10th annual Healthiest State Walk, and the students at St. Patrick Catholic School met their goal with four laps around the block of the schoolhouse.

Oct. 12-16 will be dedicated to eating five servings of fruits and vegetables each day. A number of communities will host a Local Foods Day on Oct. 14, sponsored by Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship.

The healthiness of two fewer hours of recreational screen time will be the goal Oct. 19-23, with reading or participating in other screen-free activities is recommended.

Oct. 26-30 focuses on drinking more water and drinking zero sugary drinks. Water bottles and other 5-2-1-0 mech is available on the Iowa Healthiest State website.

Follow the Iowa Healthiest State activities online #HealthyChoicesCount #TeamUpFor10.


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