Summertime brings ‘E-coli and other icky stuff’

The Dallas County Public health Department offers free well-water testing for total coliform bacteria, arsenic and nitrate.

E-coli is a type of bacteria that can cause severe nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. The most common ways to become ill from E-coli are by ingesting feces that has contaminated ground meat, fresh produce or unpasteurized milk and by swallowing feces-contaminated water.

E-coli spreads through food, water and personal contact.

Thoroughly washing fruits and vegetables and completely cooking meats will help keep everyone well. Hand washing also prevents spread of bacteria.

Please use particular caution during warm weather while preparing, serving and storing food. Buffet-style meals are a common way to serve a summertime crowd. Be sure to monitor how long food sits out, and dispose of anything sitting out for two hours.

And did you know that older adults are more likely to get food poisoning than younger persons? According to the Iowa Poison Control Center, an older adult’s immune system and the bacteria-fighting acid in their stomach has decreased.

The period June through September sees the highest incidents of E-coli, when water recreation is common. Human and animal feces pollutes lakes, creeks and swimming pools, and bacterial infections are caused by from getting contaminated water in your mouth.

Insist on bathroom breaks for children in wading pools, and use bleach to clean the pool.
For more information, see (

Ann Cochran is the health navigation coordinator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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