Take five or 10 minutes and fill out your U.S. Census


Have you completed your census?

By now you should have received a letter in the mail from the U.S. Census Bureau, inviting you to take the 2020 Census. This letter contains a census ID number to use in responding to the census online. You can either use this code or use your home address.

Taking part in the 2020 Census is important, safe and easier than ever. It can be completed online, by phone or by mail. Responses are confidential and not shared with any other organizations.

Now that you are staying at home, take five to 10 minutes — depending on the size of your household — to complete the census. Call 844-330-2020, or use the very easy website www.my2020census.gov and type in the census ID on your letter. After that, you can choose from over 50 languages to answer questions online or 14 languages by phone.

The census will ask for the names and birthdates of each member of your household along with demographic information. The census will not ask for social security numbers, citizenship information or credit card information.

Responding to the census promptly will help reduce the need for in-person census takers to follow up with households that have not responded.

Ann Cochran is the health navigation coordinator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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