Take time to check your drinking level


Have you ever wondered if you drink too much alcohol?

Have others commented about your drinking habits?

There’s a quick and free screening online to check. Your responses will not be stored, and this screening is not meant as a diagnosis.

The question whether you drink too much can be tricky because not all drinks are the same — as far as alcohol content. Some beverages have a higher concentration of alcohol. Others have a lot of alcohol simply because they are served in large containers.

The reason it’s important to self-evaluate your consumption is that alcohol impacts your mind, your body and the lives of others. For instance, daily alcohol use often leads to poor job performance and inability to handle finances wisely.

Drinking too much contributes to hangovers and injuries in the short term and heart and liver disease in the long term if alcohol misuse continues.

Heavy alcohol use is associated with relationship problems, violence, sexually transmitted disease and unintended pregnancy.

Alcohol-impaired driving isn’t a victimless crime. While you might believe — while under the influence — that you’re fine and can drive home, your impaired judgement and coordination could cost the life of another person.

Contact your clinic if you feel you need help.

Ann Cochran is the health navigation coordinator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


  1. I know it’s important to put these self-evaluations out there, but chances are that most of those with a drinking problem either won’t take them or will just laugh them off if they do. Most hardcore drunks find them funny and laugh them off. It’s only when they feel great inner pain and get into all kinds of problems that they take these things seriously. The hallmark of an alcoholic is their not thinking they really are such.


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