Two more legs of connector trail planned for summer

The HTT-RRVT connector trail east of Perry will soon extend along 130th Street to M Avenue, including a bridge over Beaver Creek.

Phase 3 and phase 4 construction of the HTT-RRVT connector trail are planned for summer 2021.

The Dallas County Conservation Board will tackle two more phases in the Let’s Connect Trail Project this summer, the board announced Monday.

The trail extension will eventually connect the Raccoon River Valley Trail and High Trestle Trail, making Perry a two-trailhead town and a magnet for tourism and commerce in Dallas County.

The trail from S Avenue to R Avenue is complete, and phase 3 will continue the trail westward one more mile to Quinlan Avenue. The estimated cost of phase 3 is $569,000.

Phase 4 will continue the trail eastward from Perry along 130th Street to M Avenue. Along with the trail pavement itself, the biggest effort of phase 4 will be the construction of a bridge over Beaver Creek. The estimated cost of phase 4 is $669,300.

“It’s great to see two projects being constructed this summer,” said Dallas County Conservation Board Executive Director Mike Wallace. “The pieces are coming together, one at a time.”

About 85% of the project’s overall cost of $5 million to $6 million has been raised, Wallace said.

Donors can support the “Let’s Connect” Trail Project by visiting the project website. All donations are tax-deductible. Donors of $1,000 or more may choose to receive recognition on trailhead signs. For more information, contact Wallace at


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