Urbandale teenager arrested for sex with minor teenager

Brooklynn Ann Princehouse, 18, of Urbandale was arrested Saturday on charges of two counts of first-offense third-degree sexual abuse-child victim-person four or more years older.

An Urbandale teenager was arrested on a Dallas County warrant Saturday for having sex with a minor four years her junior.

Brooklynn Ann Princehouse, 18, of 14808 Goodman Court, Urbandale, was charged with two counts of first-offense third-degree sexual abuse-child victim-person four or more years older.

According to court records, the 18-year-old Princehouse had sex twice in February with a 14-year-old male.

A search warrant, requested by the Waukee Police Department and ordered March 8 in Dallas County District Court, disclosed incriminating evidence on Princehouse’s cell phone, according to court records.

A warrant for Princehouse’s arrest was ordered May 7 in Dallas County District Court and served June 28. Princehouse in held in the Dallas County Jail on a $3,000 cash or surety bond. She is scheduled for arraignment July 5 in Dallas County District Court.

*A criminal charge is merely an accusation and the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.


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