What would a healthier, more satisfied Iowa look like?


Kids like to opine on the topic of “If I were in charge of the world . . .”

Truth be told, adults often dream about changes they’d like to see and how the changes could be accomplished.

What about the subject of our health and well-being here in Iowa? In your opinion, what would it look like to have everyone healthier and more satisfied with their lives?

The Iowa Department of Public Health invites you to share your thoughts through an online survey. As our public health leaders are beginning to transition from the pandemic, they are interested in how to advance the overall wellness of you and your community.

This survey is an effort to identify and prioritize ways to advance the health of Iowans so they can live longer, healthier, more productive lives, and enjoy the rich quality of life Iowa has to offer.

The survey is available online until June 30. If you don’t have a computer at home, ask a family member or friend who does have one to allow you to complete the survey on theirs. Or go to your public library, where the staff will be pleased to help you.

Ann Cochran is the health navigation coordinator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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