Xenia urges wise water use during potential drought conditions


BOUTON, Iowa — Because of possible continued drought conditions and above-average demand in May, the Xenia Rural Water District is proactively asking customers to begin practicing wise water usage. This includes:

  • Relying on rain when possible to water lawns and outdoor vegetation
  • Turning off water while you brush your teeth, shave or wash dishes; ensuring the dishwasher is full before running; setting your washing machine to the appropriate load size; and replacing your shower head with a low-flow fixture
  • Ensuring outdoor garden hoses and spigots do not have leaks and water is not left running when not in immediate use
  • Ensuring your irrigation system is operating efficiently, if you decide to irrigate your lawn
  • Not irrigating your lawn on Mondays
  • Not irrigating during the hottest part of the day between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.
  • Even numbered addresses (Ex: 120 Main Street) should water on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays
  • Odd numbered addresses (Ex: 123 Main Street) should water on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays

Cities and counties across the U.S. are experiencing severe drought and asking customers to practice wise water use.

Xenia provides water service to all or portions of 11 counties, 16 communities and more than 10,500 customers/members. The service area is 2,529 square miles, containing more than 2,890 miles of pipeline.


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