Letter to the editor: People made Carnegie Tree Fest big success

The Raccoon River Valley Bicycle Co.'s "tree" was the top vote getter and attracted the second-highest donations in the annual Carnegie Library Museum Festival of Trees.

To the editor:

Thanks to all of you for participating in the 2016 Carnegie Library Museum Fesitval of Trees! It’s not at all a competition since it requires all participants to make the event the success that it is but since we do get asked about votes and donations, the results follow:

Top Vote Getters:

  1. Raccoon River Valley Bicycle Co. (22 votes)
  2. Noah’s Ark Preschool (19)
  3. Perry Health Care Center (17)

Total votes cast = 194

Top Donation:

  1. Noah’s Ark Preschool ($37.11)
  2. Raccoon River Valley Bicycle Co. ($30)
  3. Perry Health Care Center ($28) (tie)
  4. Betsy Peterson Designs ($28) (tie)

Total donations = $274.36

Many thanks to all who participated in the Festival and to all who attended the Festival! We appreciate your time and effort in support of this event.

Please note that voting and donations were not required—we want Carnegie events such as this to be free and open to all.

It’s equally important to us that people experience the Perry gem that is the Carnegie Library Museum. If you happened to be at the Carnegie the night of the lighted parade, it was as if the floodgates had opened — the place was packed for most of the evening with families and individuals enjoying the exhibits.

Thanks to each of you! Happy Holidays! Hope to see you next year!

The Carnegie Volunteers


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