Letter to the editor: Route connector trail along Second Street

The small traders in Perry's downtown retail district are poised for connector-trail bicycle traffic.

To the editor:

This is an open letter to the residents and business owners in Perry.

A wind of change is blowing in our community. We have a great opportunity with the connection of the RRVT and the High Trestle Trail coming to our town, possibly the single greatest financial stimulus since the railroad left.

I feel I have a unique position to speak to this, having run a business supported by bicycles and tourism, the Nineteen14 in Minburn. In my humble opinion, we are not doing enough to capitalize and capture the unique opportunity this connector trail represents.

This trail absolutely needs to come through our business district. We have a beautiful hotel, La Poste, the Carnegie Library Museum to anchor a trail head at Second Street and Willis Avenue, but as of now the primary route goes down Willis Avenue.

Our downtown and our business district deserve the primary route to be on Second Street.

Here is my proposal: Bring the connector west from the McCreary Community Building (past the Memorial Park) on Bateman Street to Second Street and then south to Willis Avenue.

I would also propose that we have a “social media” moment on the boulevard at Second and Willis. Think about how many people you know on social media you’ve seen with a picture on the High Trestle Trail bridge.

That is what we need and deserve! To route the trail anywhere other than our business district will be a grave mistake to the longevity of the momentum we have currently.

Make Second Street (and possibly Bateman Street) a one-way with a bike lane. Second was a one-way street for many years, and it wouldn’t hurt the flow of business to go back that way.

Putting thousands of bicyclists’ eyeballs on our businesses is a very unique opportunity that we are missing. It is my understanding that the Progressive Foundry wants to close Second Street north of Bateman Street for expansion. Maybe they can help pay for some of these “improvements” to offset the loss of that through way.

We could repave Bateman and possibly have high school art students paint a mural on the south side of the Weise buildings to make the entry to our business district more appealing.

This is an opportunity we must not squander!

Jeremy Mahler


  1. I have to voice my support for this proposal. I don’t think it absolutely necessary for Second Street to be one way again. Indeed, whatever business garnered from the bicyclists might be lost from annoyed motorists. Still and all, I’m in agreement with everything else proposed.


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