Local church to celebrate 150 years in Perry

The First United Methodist Church in Perry will be the site of the Raising School-Ready Readers program, beginning in March.

The First United Methodist Church in Perry will be hosting several events as they salute their sesquicentennial in Perry.

Celebrations will begin at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, with a ‘Hymn Sing’ and performances by the bell choir. Senior Pastor Paul Burrow will take the occasion to dedicate new chalices for use during communion.

Harvest-themed wagons will line the street outside the church, located on the southeast corner of Willis Ave. and Third Street.

Attendees will be able to watch video-taped recollections of many parishioners, recalling past members and days gone past. Numerous photo scrapbooks will also be available to search through, with a wide range of artifacts also on display.

Refreshments will be offered.

Sunday’s worship service will begin a 9:30 a.m., with the bell choir on hand. Bishop Laurie Haller will offer a recorded message of congratulations and blessings. District Superintended Heecheon Jeon will be present and be the guest preacher.

It is expected several past pastors from Perry will attend. Those in attendance 90 years or older will be recognized, with a catered meal following.


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