Letter to the editor: Always time to honor our nation and its vets


To the editor:

It has come to my attention that all American flags have been removed from all classrooms in the elementary public school here in Perry. This action apparently took place two years ago and was sanctioned by the then elementary school principal.

That principal has since left the school system.

This issue is reminiscent of the actions of the Community Choice Credit Union in Des Moines several years ago, when Veterans Memorial Auditorium was being remodeled and “renamed.”

While all groups and nationalities should be respected, “political correctness” has apparently taken a wrong turn. Allegiance to our country should be taught and respected regardless where a child came from.

While you may or may not be citizens supporting the Perry school system, care must be taken to be ever vigilant and watchful in our communities.

The recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance takes no longer than 15 seconds. Even the busiest and most active classrooms should include it. Your feedback on this issue is welcome.

Mike Kelley, Perry


  1. I agree with Mr. Kelley there is no harm in pledging your allegiance to the country in which you live. And the display of that country’s standard in classrooms built and supported by its citizens should not be optional.
    In the United States, if one is offended by the Pledge of Allegiance, that person is free to choose not to speak the words without fear of reprisal. If the sight of our flag is offensive, one is free to ignore it; or burn it outside the classroom.
    It should be displayed, as always, proudly.

  2. The flag should be mandatory in all classrooms. PC has gone too far overboard. This is the United States of America and I am proud to fly the flag everyday.

  3. Dear Mr. Kelley,

    I am not sure where you received your information regarding the removal of the U.S. Flag from classrooms and the Pledge of Allegiance not being recited. Let me assure you, this is misinformation. As of May 29, 2015, our country’s flag is displayed in the classrooms and the Pledge of Allegiance is recited. Personally speaking, my class recited the Pledge each and every day, followed by singing of “My Country ‘Tis of Thee.” It has never been discouraged.
    The music department has always taught the students the National Anthem along with other patriotic songs.
    A long standing tradition Mr. Wicks brought to the elementary was the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance each and every Monday morning via intercom. He was faithful to see this done and always included a classroom to help in reciting this via intercom as the entire school stood and recited the Pledge together.
    So rest assured, patriotism is alive in our school.

    It has been a privilege to teach at Perry Elementary for 20 years. I loved serving the children and families in this community. I will miss Perry.

    God bless Perry!

    Dee Cole
    Retired Kindergarten Teacher

  4. Ms. Cole:
    Thank you for your timely response. Be assured my letter was not intended as an accusation of you or any or the elementary school staff of being non-patriotic.
    My letter was intended to bring attention to the absence of flags in the school. That fact remains. An interview with the school principal on Monday, August 17th bore out that fact. Plans are in the works to correct this important deficit.


    Mike Kelley


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