Letter to the editor: Let’s practice what we preach


To the editor:

While I applaud the county EMTs for their desire to try and educate the public during these abnormal times, wouldn’t leading by example be a first step?

From looking at the pictures, it appears the mantra of six-foot social distancing was ignored.

I also wonder how the literature was handed over to any who asked. Were gloves used? Was the six-foot recommendation followed?

It’s going to take diligence and forethought from everyone to help get all of us through this with the least amount of loss.

Steve Carrick


  1. I very much appreciate your concern about EMTs keeping their 6 feet away from others. In the picture there are several family members sitting in groups closer than 6 feet. I will let family members choose their own social distancing between family members. However, I am pictured having a conversation with the press, and I should have been 6 feet away. We are human, and we also make mistakes. Thank you for your concerns.

  2. Sorry, I missed your other questions. No gloves were used. The virus is not absorbed through skin. It has to go through a mucus membrane. We tried to keep 6 feet away by using the passenger’s side of the car instead of the driver’s side.

  3. Thanks, Mike, but the virus can survive on inanimate objects, thus it can be transferred to a brochure, handed to someone, then that person might touch their face, mouth, etc. We all know how hard it can be not to touch that area. We see the governor, president and even advisors doing it after being told not to. I’m not disparaging the EMTs for their work. I’m just trying to emphasize how we all need to be more aware.


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