Letter to the editor: Support aid to Ukraine, reader says

Source: Ukraine Ministry of Defense

To the editor:

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelinsky has the weight of the world on his shoulders.

The Ukrainian winter war campaign is stifled by a dwindling supply of ammunition, and the Republicans in the U.S. Congress have decided to discontinue aid to Ukraine.

They instead demand a quick solution to a decades-old problem on our southern border.

Ukraine cannot surrender to Russian President Vladimir Putin because that would mean the torture, killing, raping and imprisoning of its citizens. Siberian work camps are real. The deportation of Ukrainian children into Russia for “retraining” will accelerate.

Please contact your congresspersons and tell them to supply aid to Ukraine. We do not need to call up the draft to fight a war in Europe when Putin fulfills his promise to rebuild the Soviet Union.

Julie Stewart


  1. Julie, I met a young man from Ukraine and had a heart-to- heart communication with him. The leader of Ukraine is evil and a corrupt person. He has people in his government that are dependents from Hitler. The Republicans are not against aid. They just want to have an accounting of where it is going. There have been thousands of dollars that have been passed to them by corrupt politicians, so there needs to be a complete review of all monies that they have received. I feel that our borders need to be funded better and not sent to other countries.

  2. Better to help Ukraine now than to allow Putin to win and then see him move on to another former USSR country or worse, the Baltic states. I doubt the roughly $60 billion this administration wants to send Ukraine now will be the end of Ukraine’s requests for aid. If $5 billion would close up our southern border and if that funding would guarantee more Ukraine assistance, then we should fund the border security. The 2.5 million immigrants who came through our southern border in 2023 is not a sustainable number for the towns, cities and states who must care for those people’s needs.

  3. I have more than 40 Ukrainians who follow me on Twitter as well as President Zelinsky posting his activities. They all tweet their support of President Zelinsky and for the troops. They forward hundreds of pictures of the war.
    President Zelensky is the bravest leader that I have had the privilege of following. For a newly elected Ukrainian president to go up against President Trump, who had the power to deny his country all aid, was very brave. He has worked hard since elected to clear out the corruption that has plagued Ukraine.


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