Grief a natural response to loss, trauma

Grief is a natural response to the loss of something or someone important to you or to a traumatic event.

Grief is a natural response to the loss of something or someone important to you or to a traumatic event.

If you are experiencing grief, you might feel emotional reactions, such as deep sorrow or anger, or you might feel empty and numb. It is also common to experience physical reactions, such as difficulty sleeping, muscle weakness or persistent nausea.

Although grief is normal, it can be difficult to experience and endure. Here are some tips for coping with grief:

  • Connecting with your loved ones and your community who understand what you are going through is an important step in coping with loss. You should also continue taking care of yourself by eating healthy meals, finding time to be physically active and allowing yourself to feel the full range of emotions during this time.
  • Avoid over-exposure to news coverage of traumatic events. It can be upsetting to repeatedly take in information after the events have unfolded. Instead, take breaks and limit how often you read or listen to the news to once a day or less.
  • Understand that over time the overwhelming feelings of initial grief will ease, and it will feel easier to engage with your daily life.
  • If feelings of distress are impacting your daily life, there are professional resources you can turn to. Visit the Dallas County Resource Directory to find mental health and other resources near you.
  • Be aware that children are especially vulnerable during periods of loss or trauma. Have open communication with kids, and look out for signs of distress, which might indicate a need for professional help.

Visit the CDC’s article, “Helping Children Cope with Emergencies,” to learn more about common reactions for different age groups and what caregivers can do to help children cope.

Natalie Peters is the community health educator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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