Manage your weight in order to obtain optimal health


Maintaining a healthy weight is important for your health, but busy schedules and conflicting information mean it can be challenging to do so. Fortunately, there are strategies you can use to get there.

A healthy weight is one at which you have a low risk of weight-related health problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Many doctors use a calculation of your body mass index (BMI) in order to determine whether you are underweight, at normal weight, overweight or obese.

Learn more and calculate your BMI at

Your weight is influenced by many factors, including your diet and exercise routines, your stress levels, your quality of sleep and your genetics. If you’re trying to lose weight, you are more likely to be successful if you change multiple habits. Here are some steps you can take to reach a healthy weight:

1. Set realistic goals. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, focus on your day-to-day or week-by-week habits. For most people, losing about 1 pound per week is attainable and healthy.

2. Find exercises you enjoy. Whether it’s dancing, walking or playing team sports, you’ll be more likely to exercise if you’re having fun. Remember that you don’t have to do all your daily exercise at once. Splitting it up throughout the day can make it more manageable.

3. Drink more water. You might think you’re hungry when you’re actually just thirsty. Drink more water to stay feeling full and hydrated. Choosing water over sugary drinks or alcohol will also help you cut back on calories.

4. Prioritize quality sleep. Aim to get between 7-9 hours of sleep every night by keeping a consistent, relaxing bedtime routine and avoiding caffeine or alcohol in the evening.

5. Practice stress management. Try meditation, deep breathing or doing your favorite hobby to deal with stress.

6. Eat a balanced diet. Healthy meals can still be delicious! Aim to eat at least four servings of fruit and vegetables every day. Choose whole grains, lean proteins and low-fat dairy to stay full and satisfied.

If you are concerned about managing your weight, talk to your primary care doctor.

Natalie Peters is the community health educator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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