Letter to the editor: Trump breeds conflict, chaos


What is our vision for the world? The United States? Iowa? Our families and friends? Ourselves?

Should we reward divisiveness, conflict and fighting and punish compromise, negotiation and understanding?

Clear winners and losers.

No sharing the last cookie. No international trade deals that benefit both sides. No haggling over the price of a yard sale item or car.

Discarding any solution or improvement for humankind that isn’t a 100% win for one side and a total loss for the other.

No give and take — what weakness! What lack of leadership! How unpatriotic!

No listening to another viewpoint and being open to learning something new or recognizing an area of agreement, no matter how small. That behavior must be punished and punished quickly.

Conflict and chaos are the goal. Solutions are not allowed.

How sustainable is that? What’s the end game? Is that working for you in your relationships, with your boss, with your pastor?

I still believe that our elected officials work for us. That many of our problems are complex with no easy solutions. That it will take many perspectives and many solutions to resolve our biggest problems.

I still believe that it’s a “win” if we move in the right direction even if the move doesn’t get us to our ultimate goal or totally resolve the issue.

Citizens running for office should be telling us how they’ll work for us, lift all boats, improve our lives, improve the lives of future generations.

Their laser focus should be to solve problems. Not shying away from working with others but finding common ground, working for the greater good, negotiation, give and take.

Credit, power, personal goals should not be the primary goal when working for the people of the U.S. Solve the problems. Improve lives. Move the needle.

It’s even more infuriating when someone wants to sabotage compromise, blow up bi-partisan solutions, allow a bad situation to continue hurting people all in the name of reelection.

Please seriously consider that former President Trump is not working for you, not solving problems for you, not making the border more secure when he prefers that solutions are not implemented and the conflict continues because he believes it benefits him —  him, that is, and not you, not the border patrol, not the border states, not immigrants, not relations with Mexico.

His declarations that only he can solve the issue are not true. But to sabotage others’ credible, useful, bipartisan solutions purely for his own benefit is sad and pathetic. To allow others to suffer because steps toward an improved border situation don’t allow him to rant and complain about President Biden and the border is not someone who is a public servant working for the U.S.

He wants chaos and violence, not solutions. He doesn’t know how to run on policy and bipartisanship, only how to toss more gasoline onto the fire. The only person that benefits is him and only if voters continue to believe ongoing conflict somehow benefits us and the world.

Laura Stebbins


  1. Oh, please. The idiot running the country right now hasn’t got a clue. We will be lucky if Trump or somebody like him wins next November. Otherwise, we are all screwed. Period. Case closed.


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