Letter to the editor: ‘Carter Nordman, have you no shame?’

Iowa House of Representatives District 19 Rep. Carter Nordman of Panora

To the editor:

On Wednesday afternoon, Rep. Carter Nordman of Panora — the state representative who represents my hometown of Perry — went on the house floor in Des Moines to advance House Study Bill 692, which is part of a bigger bill that provides $3 million for “school security.”

Thankfully, the Des Moines Register reads the bills and asks questions — and Carter admitted the truth:

This bill would not only arm teachers and give them qualified immunity — it would provide $3 million to pay for guns for them.

Carter, I implore you to look up from Kim Reynolds’ boots for a fleeting moment and read the room.

The district you represent is still reeling from a school shooting. I should know — I’m a 2005 graduate of Perry High School. Ask parents of students in Perry. Ask the friends and family of Ahmir Jolliff. Ask me, the guy who gave the 2005 PHS commencement speech just meters from where his mentor was ultimately gunned down in the high school cafeteria.

Ask us if we think this is a good idea — to inject more guns into the place that will be forever fractured because of those very firearms you want to throw at us (paid for with our own money.)

Instead of throwing more guns and money at us, maybe — and this is novel — consider some common-sense gun legislation that would actually protect our kids and teachers, such as:

  • Universal background checks
  • Ending permit-free carry
  • Civil and criminal liability for guns you own
  • A state gun registration

These are, you know, actual solutions that reduce the chance of violence instead of just pander to your friends at the NRA.

I don’t know when guns became such a partisan lightning rod. I don’t particularly care. But the lives and safety of our kids shouldn’t hinge on which party happens to have more votes in a chamber.

I urge Perry citizens to contact Carter Nordman at his office (515-281-3221) and via email (carter.nordman@legis.iowa.gov) in order to voice their opposition to this asinine legislation.

Let him know that we don’t need more guns. We need better legislators, and we need real solutions — and if he isn’t up to the task, the door is right over there.

Mike Stout


  1. The FACT is an armed teacher would have saved lives. I have a permit to carry, and God forbid I ever have to use my weapon for defense, but I guarantee I won’t get shot in the back running for my life!

  2. Thank you, Mike Stout, for speaking out against this horrible legislation and the insanity of thinking that throwing more guns into schools is the answer! It is not! Vote Blue in November, and let’s put common-sense gun laws into place!
    –Jill Brosnahan

  3. Mike, I disagree with your opinion. If there were trained persons in the school, the student would have very likely not even taken a gun into the school, and there would have been no problems. Being in a gun-free zone allowed him plenty of time to do his damage. That being said, there would not have been an event in a Perry school at all.

  4. Trying to curb gun violence in schools by arming teachers is as absurd as sobering up a drunk with a case of bourbon. What we need is to declare the NRA a terrorist organization in order to disband and defund it as well as impose a 100% tax on all firearms and ammunition. I don’t propose to buck the Second Amendment. You can have all the guns and ammo you want if you can afford them. Also, all firearms should be registered. Private sales would be okay but must include registration just like titles for cars. Ghost guns and firearms without serial numbers would be forfeited to law enforcement upon sight. Said guns could be returned upon registration of new serial number as well as a $500 registration tax per each weapon. No, the Second Amendment is fine . . . if you can afford it.

  5. How does putting more laws and regulations on LEGAL guns that we LEGALLY own fix anything about gun violence either in a school, work, street or anywhere? What you do is hinder the good guy that could possibly stop the shooter or protect what is yours and your family. ALL the bad guys out there have just as many guns as the good guys, and guess what? The bad guys don’t give two cents about laws and regulations or taxes because he breaks the LAW. We the people that don’t break the law but want to have a gun in the fight is now forced into a never-ending battle just to uphold his or her 2nd Amendment right. It’s the same with a driver’s license and fines. If you don’t care about the law and doing right, then it doesn’t matter. You’re not paying.


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