Letter to the editor: Local expert wants to secure schools for free


To the editor:

There is one person (me) who is a subject-matter expert (SME) qualified to speak on how to secure the schools. I’ve been doing that for 25 years for a living.

I begged and pleaded with Clark and others to speak in front of the board and present options. This offer was largely ignored. I will gain zero financial by this, as this is my alma mater, and I have amazing family in the school itself.

I have been involved with several school shootings both pre- and post- and am fully aware of the fallout.

I recently became aware the district has engaged with a third-party “expert” to “guide” the school. Where do you think these people get their info? From people like me.

Increased police presence is a band-aid that will dry up when Kimmy says so, so why not a permanent solution? Securing schools — so this kind of tragedy never happens again — is easy. You just got let me do my job for free. Ms. Berkley and Brock are my buddies!

Nobody knows what to do after something like this happens, but I do. PHS grad of ’84.

Mike Tice


    • Mr. Tice outlined his idea in a Facebook post for this story, and his idea did indeed involve AI. It appears that he later deleted his comment from the thread when he was invited to consult with the Perry School Board. A useful article in David Riedman’s “K-12 School Shooting Database,”
      is skeptical about the use of AI in school security. Subject-matter experts such as Mr. Tice styles himself would be best able to assess such arguments, but we expect our school boards to do so as well.


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