Stress cannot be avoided but can be managed for health



Everyone experiences stress to some to degree. While it’s your body’s natural reaction to encourage you to address the threats or challenges in your life, it can quickly become overwhelming.

Stress can also negatively affect your health. Symptoms of stress overload can include headaches, muscle tension, sleep problems, weakened immune system and poor mental health. It’s even a risk factor for heart disease.

Therefore, it’s important to find healthy ways to manage your stress. Some of these methods are described below:

  • Take care of yourself by finding a physical activity you enjoy and making time for it most days of the week. Eating a balanced, healthy diet can also support your immune system, give you energy and regulate stress hormones in your body. Prioritizing getting plenty of sleep every night — at least 7 hours — can also reduce stress levels.
  • Practicing relaxation techniques, such as deep breaths, meditation or yoga, can help you cope in moments of high stress. Setting aside time for your hobbies and interests can allow you to focus on other, more positive things. Examples include reading, making art, listening to music and enjoying the outdoors.
  • Stay connected with friends, family and your community, and share with them how you’re feeling.
  • Finally, avoid unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as using alcohol or drugs. These may seem to help in the short-term, but they can lead to additional problems and increased stress in the long run.

If these techniques aren’t helping and stress is affecting your daily life, let your primary care provider or mental health provider know. A list of mental health resources is available in the Community Resource Directory on the Dallas County Health Department’s website.
You can also learn more about stress’s effects on the body on the American Psychological Association website.

Natalie Peters is the community health educator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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