Distracted driving a bad habit that can prove fatal


Some people think that distracted driving is no big deal. In reality, it’s a widespread problem that causes thousands of deaths in the U.S. every year.

There are three types of driving distractions:

• Visual: taking your eyes off the road
• Manual: taking your hands off the wheel
• Cognitive;- taking your mind off driving

The most common source of distracted driving is cell phone use. It is illegal to text and drive in Iowa, punishable by a $100 fine. In a vehicle traveling at 55 miles per hour, sending or reading a text is like driving the length of a football field with your eyes closed.

Texting while driving is extremely dangerous, but the problem of distractions goes beyond this one behavior.

Eating, talking on the phone, typing into or scrolling through navigation or music apps or searching for items in your vehicle while driving — all of these are also common examples of distracted driving.

There are several practices you can follow to prevent yourself and loved ones from distracted driving. First, prepare before you go. Send any texts that you need to, and prepare your maps and music, and eat before you drive. That way you aren’t tempted to do so on the road.

If you need to do these tasks after you start driving, then pull over and park in a safe area first.

If you have a habit of reaching for your cell phone while driving, put it in the passenger glovebox, back seat or another location out of reach before you hit the road. If driving with a passenger, you can have them use your phone for you.

As a passenger, speak up and hold your family and friends accountable if you notice they are driving distracted. Offer to use their phone or do other distracting tasks for them.

Learn more about distracted driving at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration website.

Natalie Peters is the community health educator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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