Dallas County Hospital unveils 60th anniversary quilt

Making the DCH 60th anniversary quilt a reality were, from left, DCH History Committee members Teresa Mulder and Jane Hilsenbeck, community volunteer Marti Klatt, DCH History Committee member Deb Sheeder and DCH Facilities Manager Myles Hegstrom. Photo courtesy DCH Anniversary Committee Chair Jenny Hornsby

The DCH 60th anniversary quilt honors people and places from the county hospital's long record of serving the health needs of Dallas County's residents.
The DCH 60th anniversary quilt honors people and places from the county hospital’s long record of serving the health needs of Dallas County’s residents. Photo courtesy DCH Anniversary Committee Chair Jenny Hornsby

Dallas County Hospital recently dedicated its 60th anniversary quilt, celebrating six decades of healthcare in Perry. The quilt features pictures of people and places old and new in the hospital’s storied history.

“This quilt has been over two years in the making,” said Jenny Hornsby, PR/Foundation manager and chair of the anniversary committee. “Our history team really took this project on and brought to life a beautiful piece of DCH history that both community members and employees can always cherish.”

The idea for the quilt began in 2014 as a way to mark Dallas County Hospital’s 60th anniversary. Many employees and community volunteers contributed their time and talent to bringing the quilt about, Hornsby said.

DCH employees Jane Hilsenbeck, Teresa Mulder, Deb Sheeder and Sandra Christensen developed the concept, layout and final coordination. Marti Klatt, community volunteer, donated her time to stitching the layers of the quilt together, while DCH Facilities Manager Myles Hegstrom custom-built the display box that the quilt is currently located in.

The public can view the anniversary quilt in its permanent location in the waiting room outside the emergency and operating rooms in the hospital’s south atrium.

For more information, call 515-465-7516.


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