Letter to the editor: Reader doubts Bubba’s readiness to serve


To the editor:

Setting party and policy aside, past behavior predicts future behavior, and recent past behavior is an even stronger predictor of future behavior. Ray “Bubba” Sorensen, running for Iowa House District 20, endorses himself as the common sense, hardworking, ready to lead candidate.

Common sense. We live in a time of complex problems with no easy solutions — healthcare, education, immigration, social justice and more. Complex problems cannot be solved with common sense alone. Candidates must be intellectually curious, informed and know how to seek out credible experts.

Bubba has proclaimed to his audiences that any one of us could do the job. No.

Representing Iowans requires critical competencies. If you don’t possess those skills and make no effort to develop them, then you are not fit for the challenge of representing Iowans regardless of party letter next to your name.

Hardworking. Warren Varley has been in Perry multiple times, both speaking at and attending events to learn about us, our issues and our town.

Bubba was a no show at the candidate forum sponsored by ThePerryNews.com. He did find time to appear at the McCreary Center Oct. 3. Interacting with the Perry community and learning about our issues and concerns? When? His campaign efforts in Perry seem minimal.

Ready to lead. Bubba has self-proclaimed that he is not up on all the issues. It’s hard to lead when you’re uninformed.

Don’t tell me that when you’re in office you’ll read the legislation placed before you. What indications do I have that once elected you’ll become a dedicated student of the issues? None.

I directly asked Bubba a question about qualifications only to be told that I was focusing too much on qualifications. I guess if your qualifications are lacking, then qualifications need to be unimportant.

Past behavior predicts future behavior. Campaign behavior predicts behavior in office.

Vote Warren Varley for Iowa House District 20 on Nov. 6. Informed, immersed in our communities, hardworking and demonstrating leadership today.

Laura Stebbins


  1. Commitment
    When I think of Bubba Sorensen the word that comes to mind is commitment. Bubba shows his commitment to our veterans by paying tribute to their efforts on our behalf through the painting of his Freedom Rocks. All of the Rocks are tastefully painted and have inspired a renewed sense of patriotism in the state of Iowa. While he’s painting these rocks, he’s also talking and listening to thousands of people around the state as they share their concerns about veterans issues, physical and mental health care, taxes, the constitution – you name it. Bubba listens and cares.

    Bubba is committed to his small business and to his community. Several years ago, things weren’t going too well for his business in Greenfield. It would have been more convenient and better financially for him to move his business and his family to Des Moines, but he chose to stay here in Adair County where his roots are deep and his commitment is strong. Why, he even built a new house here a couple of years ago.

    Bubba was born a Republican, raised a Republican and when he went to college, he didn’t throw away the conservative values he’d learned from his parents and grandparents. He held on to those conservative values and is teaching and modeling those same values to his kids – hoping and praying that someday they’ll grow up into fine conservative members of this country just like he did.

    I’m confident that when Bubba gets elected to the legislature representing House District 20, he’ll stay the same conservative man he’s always been. Fame has not changed him thus far. I don’t think the State House will either.

    Some folks say, “He’s young and inexperienced.” I say, “So what? He’s smart, and he’s a quick learner. He’s young, filled with energy and is committed to being the best representative we’ve ever had.”

    The Iowa Farm Bureau even named him a Friend of Agriculture. That’s quite an honor for a first-time candidate. You’ve got to have real talent and potential to earn that distinction, and Bubba certainly has it.

    So I would like to ask you to commit to joining me in voting for Bubba Sorensen for Iowa State Representative from House District 20. He is committed to us, and I think we should be committed to him as well.
    Brian Rohrig
    Orient, Iowa


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