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Ann Cochran

Ann Cochran
Looking forward to an exotic getaway this summer? You may encounter a bump in the road before you leave home. Consider this as you plan your trip: Most clinics offering travel appointments with vaccinations recommend scheduling your appointment at least 6...
According to the 2016 Iowa Youth Survey, one-third of Dallas County 11th graders responding said they felt smoking marijuana would make them more popular -- or respected or cool -- with the other students at their school. How do we...
Yes, TB is still a thing. In fact, during the past decade there has been an increase in the number of TB (tuberculosis) cases reported in Dallas County. Tuberculosis is an air-borne disease that spreads as people with TB speak, cough...
Older adults are more likely to get food poisoning than younger persons. Here’s why. Seniors often live alone and have smaller appetites, so after preparing a meal, they wind up with more leftovers. Even in the refrigerator, food will spoil...
Lack of transportation impacts our access to healthcare, healthy food, employment and spiritual and social support. We can improve the health of individuals and our community with expanded access to transportation. Because Dallas County’s growth has outpaced the services and...
Do you ever worry about a loved one’s memory or thinking skills? Have you wondered how to promote the brain development of your child or grandchild? Research shows a connection between our brain and our relationships with other people. Our brains have...
A local school nurse remarked that on the first nice day of spring each year, lots of elementary students come in from the playground with scrapes and bumps. “During the winter when they’re inside all the time, they evidently forget...
What topics do teens want to discuss with their health care providers? And what do parents wish their teens would talk about with doctors? Surprisingly, the top five subjects on both lists are the same. They are: Diet/nutrition Exercise/Sports Substance...
Dallas County Habitat for Humanity will spearhead three neighborhood revitalization projects this season in the 2018 Rock the Block program. The communities scheduled for work are Van Meter from May 24 to 26, Dallas Center from Sept. 13 to 15...
If you are getting ready to retire and/or approaching age 65, remember to include Medicare in your planning. Most persons are eligible for Medicare insurance benefits at age 65. There are many details and options to consider concerning Medicare, including...